Dentures – Longmont, CO

Restore Your Smile After Major Tooth Loss

Dentures have been around for centuries, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t improved since then. In fact, modern dentures are more natural-looking than ever, especially when paired with dental implants. Keep in mind that just because you are missing all your teeth in one or both arches does not necessarily mean that you have to suffer in silence. Our highly personalized prosthetics at Coats Dental Group of Longmont are designed to not only look natural, but drastically improve your quality of life. Give us a call today to find out which denture can best suit your needs!

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Dentist in Longmont speaking with an older patient

Truthfully, qualifying for dentures isn’t that difficult. Most patients with tooth loss make for good candidates. That said, it’s still a good idea to consult our dentists on the matter. They can assess your smile and confirm if dentures are right for you. If they aren’t, though, don’t worry – alternative procedures are available. (You can even become a candidate later via preliminary dental work.) If you want further details, just keep reading or call our office.

Effects of Missing Teeth

A not-in-focus old man with missing teeth

As you consider dentures, reviewing tooth loss’s causes and effects is helpful. Knowing these factors emphasizes how dentures protect oral health.

In general, a person might lose teeth for various reasons. Maybe their tooth decays to the point it falls out or needs extraction. Conversely, a patient might get gum disease that wears down the tissues supporting their teeth. Someone could also have their pearly whites knocked out by an accident or injury.

Meanwhile, tooth loss effects are almost always drastic. The most notable outcome is that it makes everyday tasks much harder – eating, speaking, smiling, etc. Its untreated smile gaps also slowly erode your jaw over time. (This process can trigger a facial collapse.) Worse, those spaces could trigger your other teeth to tilt and fall out.

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

A dentist presenting dental impressions for dentures to her patient

Indeed, tooth loss is the main qualifying factor for denture candidates. However, there are other ones worth considering as well.

For example, look at your general oral health. Dentures only work correctly if your gums and jaws are sufficiently healthy. (The restorations will lack support otherwise.) All the same, decayed or sensitive teeth won’t disqualify you; dentures can be a suitable way to replace them.

How many teeth you’re missing is another concern. After all, the number will determine the denture model you receive. The first is a partial type that only replaces a few teeth.  Meanwhile, the second is a full denture that replaces all pearly whites along an arch.

You’d even be wise to account for your finances. As it turns out, dentures cost less than other restorations. That means they’re ideal for patients on small budgets.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

A dental bridge and dental implant materials against a blue background

If you aren’t a good dentures candidate, don’t worry; you still have many options. Our office happens to provide several other tooth replacement services. Among these offerings, the most common ones are:

  • Dental Bridges – A dental bridge is a fixed restoration. Made of dental crowns fused to a pontic, it clasps onto nearby teeth for security and support. This choice is thus best for replacing a few teeth at a time.
  • Dental Implants – Dental implants are titanium screws placed in your jawbone. By slowly fusing with your jaw, they act as replacement tooth roots that don’t slip or fall. Given such high-end features, though, implants are more expensive than other restorations.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

Types of Dentures

Series of dentures in Longmont resting on a table

The best way to confirm which denture is right for you is to speak with our dentists directly, but in the meantime you can explore our services below to get a better understanding of your options. They include partial, full, and implant dentures, all of which hold a specific purpose depending on your needs and preferences.

Partial Dentures

When you have large gaps in between your teeth on opposite sides of your mouth, chewing food becomes extremely difficult. To fill those gaps, a partial denture can be created. This prosthetic is designed to fit inside the mouth like a puzzle piece using metal hooks that wrap around existing teeth. Gum-colored sections ensure the denture blends in with your existing gum tissue.

Full Dentures

If you are missing all your teeth in either your top, bottom, or both arches, a full denture can replace your smile in an incredibly comprehensive way. The denture is made entirely of tooth-colored materials, including gum-colored acrylic resin and ceramic teeth. That way, it blends in easily with your neighboring oral structures. It remains in place through natural suction of the gums and is designed with your exact mouth shape in mind.

Implant Dentures

Want a more permanent solution for your severe tooth loss? Implant dentures combine the reliability and longevity of dental implants with a custom-made prosthetic that looks indistinguishable from natural teeth. Rather than relying on existing teeth or natural suction to the gums for support, the denture attaches to dental implants surgically placed inside the jaw. If you aren’t happy with traditional dentures, you’ll find implant dentures to be a major upgrade.

The Benefits of Dentures

Older couple smiling and hugging at home

Dentures are highly personalized so they match the overall shape of your mouth as closely as possible. Since they are made to look like natural teeth, you can smile with confidence, enjoy more of the foods you love, and express yourself to the fullest without worry. Not only do you get your smile back, but you can keep your cheeks from appearing hollow, improving your overall facial appearance. Cleaning and maintaining your denture is a relatively simple process as well. Here are some of the various benefits you can expect to appreciate with these custom prosthetics.

Psychological Benefits

an older woman smiling comfortably while at home

Having some missing teeth or all of your teeth gone can be detrimental to both your oral health and your overall quality of life. Most people struggling with tooth loss can end up experiencing feelings of sadness and depression due to significantly reduced self-esteem. By restoring your smile with dentures, you can boost your confidence while minimizing any anxieties about your appearance, chewing, speech, and more.

Clearer Enunciation

a grandparent speaking to his grandchild at home

Leaving a gap in your smile not only potentially increases the risk of bacteria and gum disease, but can also affect the way you speak. This is because we use our tongues and lips to press them against our teeth to enunciate certain words and sounds. Dentures are versatile and can easily be made to complete your smile, that way you can return to speaking comfortably and confidently.

Improves Nutrition

an older couple enjoying a healthy meal together

Some foods can be tough to chew, especially if you’re missing some or all of your teeth. If left unaddressed, you can end up developing certain issues with your eating habits, such as malnutrition and indigestion. With dentures, you’ll be able to regain the majority of your bite, which can also help expand your dietary choices to include more vitamin-rich options, such as fruits, veggies, dairy products, and lean meats.

Preserves Oral Health

an older woman smiling before going on a jog

Dentures can generally help any other remaining teeth in your mouth stay in place, as they can typically move to fill any gaps after tooth loss. Not only does this prevent dental shifting, but your prosthetics can also help distribute pressure evenly throughout your mouth. This means you’ll be less likely to experience excessive wear and tear on your natural teeth, allowing you to maximize their longevity.

Expands Opportunities

people in business wear speaking to each other

Did you know a complete smile can often make a great first impression? In many cases, people end up perceiving others as more confident, outgoing, competent, and attractive if they have a full set of pearly whites. By replacing missing teeth with dentures, you can end up expanding your opportunities in both your social and professional life.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

a couple holding coffee mugs and smiling while lounging on a couch

Are you unsure of what to expect from the cost of dentures in Cottonwood Heights? Our team at White Peak Dental believes you should be able to restore your smile without stressing over the financial pressure that it typically entails, which is why we’re happy to offer several different payment methods and discounts through our in-house membership plan. Take advantage of restoring your smile with a trustworthy, skilled dental team today by scheduling a consultation to get a detailed cost estimate for dentures.

Factors That Can Affect the Cost of Dentures

: a dentist writing on a clipboard with a model of a mouth sitting next to them

There’s no set cost of dentures because there are multiple factors that play into determining the price of treatment. Some of these include:

  • How many teeth you’re missing
  • Whether you require preparatory procedures like tooth extractions
  • If you decide to receive dental implants
  • What materials your dentures are crafted from

We’ll discuss each of these details with you during your initial consultation, along with how they can impact the overall cost of your treatment.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

a scale weighing value and price

While it’s true that implant dentures have a higher up-front cost, they also offer an array of unique, priceless benefits that make them one of the most popular solutions for tooth loss among patients. One of these being that they have a lifespan of up to 35 years. This means that they can last over three times longer than traditional dentures, making them a more cost-effective solution in the long run.

The best way to learn whether implant dentures in Cottonwood Heights are right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hanson. He’ll let you know if you’re a good candidate for the procedure and outline the cost with you so you can see whether it would be the better investment for your oral health and overall quality of life.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

a computer with the words “dental benefits” on the screen

Typically, dental insurance plans do cover a portion of the cost of dentures. However, it’s worthwhile to note that every plan is different, and to find out, you’ll need to contact your provider directly to ask. Our team at White Peak Dental is happy to be in-network with most major PPO dental insurance plans, and if we aren’t in-network with yours, know that we’ll be happy to file a claim on your behalf to help you maximize your benefits.

Ways to Make Dentures More Affordable

a person writing on a clipboard and calculating numbers at a desk

In addition to accepting most dental insurance plans, we’re proud to make dentures from your dentist in Cottonwood Heights more affordable by offering a 30 percent discount through our in-house membership plan . At only $220 a year, this plan includes two basic cleanings and full exams, an oral cancer screening, all digital X-rays, and an emergency exam with X-rays every year, along with the discount mentioned above. It’s a great deal that eliminates the stress from taking care of your smile!

Denture FAQs

Patient learning about dentures in Longmont

Losing several teeth is hardly an easy experience, which is why it’s understandable if you have questions about treatment or how it works. No matter how severe your tooth loss may be, our team at Coats Dental Group of Longmont has just about heard it all. Below, you can find some of the most common questions our office has addressed over the years. Don’t be afraid to ask us any questions, however, if yours is not mentioned!

Should I Have All My Teeth Pulled to Get Dentures?

When a tooth is damaged, we’d prefer to exhaust all options to repair it over replacing it outright. We will only extract teeth if we believe it is absolutely necessary. For example, if it is too damaged due to decay, infection, or injury, we’ll remove it. If all the teeth in a given arch are damaged by gum disease, it could be more cost-effective to extract them first, then place the denture, rather than cover them with crowns. There is no hard and fast limit on how many teeth can be extracted in a single visit, but keep in mind certain extractions can be more difficult than others. Our dentists will explore all your options before recommending extractions, period.

Will It Hurt to Get Dentures?

Should you need to have teeth extracted before receiving a denture, you can expect some mild discomfort following your surgery after the anesthetic wears off. Thankfully, this is relatively easy to mitigate with prescription pain medication taken over the next three to five days. After you receive your new denture, it’s common to experience some mild irritation as you adjust to wearing the appliance. The amount of time this discomfort lasts can vary, but it typically goes away after a few weeks or months. It could take longer if you are switching from an old denture to a new one. If pain does not improve, call our office right away as there could be an underlying issue that needs attention.

How Much Does It Cost to Have Your Teeth Pulled and Get Dentures?

Costs of tooth extractions really depend on how many teeth are left in your arch. Additionally, the type of teeth being extracted (i.e. simple vs surgical) can impact costs. Surgical extractions are more expensive to complete on average because they take more time and precision to perform. Only full dentures require all teeth to be removed, while partial dentures do not. Your costs also go up if you intend to pair your denture with dental implants. The ultimate cost estimate of your tooth replacement will be determined once we have a chance to examine your mouth and determine your treatment options.

Will Dentures Change the Shape of My Face?

After you lose your teeth, your facial muscles will start to sag. This can give your face a more sunken appearance. By getting dentures, you give your facial muscles added support as they start to collapse. If your dentures do not fit properly, they won’t give your face the support it needs. That’s why we always design each denture to fit your mouth as closely as possible. If yours does not fit properly, we recommend visiting us to see if a reline or replacement is needed.